
Saturday, May 5, 2018

The First Day Of Blogging and The Customization Process.

               I just felt like starting a blog today so i thought i needn't waste anymore time whether to do it or not. I finally decided to go for it. I am an answer writer in Quora . i wanted to take my writing to the next level. I thought of creating an account in Wordpress but then I chose to do blogging in Blogger. Blogger is free and also easy to use. It took a lot of time to learn the customization process being a clumsy person myself.
               Like any other human I searched for help in Youtube. A fellow blogger has given the customization process in a very clear way. That video was in Hindi but I understood it. Basically the video was easy to comprehend. The explanation was precise and easy. the link is . That's a very easy process.
               I changed the background many a times and was satisfied with none. Then I finally managed to prepare it in a way that I found it meet the satisfactory level.

               So here I am going to finish my first post. I am planning to write about various topics and even about my random life. We can even share thoughts. I hope this site makes me meet like-minded people. Bye for now. Thank you.